Sunday, February 3, 2013

Polaris snowmobile service manual repair 1985-1995

Instant download of the factory repair manual for all 1985-1995 Polaris snowmobiles. See below for list of models covered. Covers complete tear down and rebuild, pictures and part diagrams, torque specs, maintenance, troubleshooting, etc. You name it and its in here. 657 pages.

Has clickable chapters and is searchable so you can easily find what youre looking for. PDF has no restrictions on printing or saving/burning to disc.

I offer FREE REPLACEMENT of any manual that I sell. If you lose your manual, contact me at with your information and I will get you another one.

Covers the following Polaris snowmobile models:
1985 400
1985 600 / 1985 600 SE
1985 Indy Trail
1985 Long Track
1985 SS
1985 Star

1986 400
1986 600 / 1986 600 LE
1986 Indy Trail
1986 Long Track
1986 Sprint / 1986 Sprint ES
1986 SS
1986 Star

1987 Indy 400 / 1987 Indy 400 SKS / 1987 Indy 600 / 1987 Indy Sport
1987 Indy Trail ES / 1987 Indy Trail SKS
1987 Long Track / 1987 LTR
1987 Sprint / 1987 Sprint ES
1987 Star
1987 Star Trak

1988 Indy 400 / 1988 Indy 400 Classic / 1988 Indy 400 SKS
1988 Indy 650 / 1988 Indy 650 SKS / 1988 Indy Deluxe
1988 Indy ES / 1988 Indy SKS / 1988 Indy Sport / 1988 Indy SP / 1988 Indy Trail
1988 Long Track Reverse
1988 Sprint
1988 Star / 1988 Star Trak

1989 Indy 400
1989 Indy 500 / 1989 Indy 500 Classic / 1989 Indy 500 SKS / 1989 Indy 500 SP
1989 Indy 650 / 1989 Indy 650 SKS / 1989 Indy Deluxe / 1989 Indy ES
1989 Indy SKS / 1989 Indy Sport
1989 Indy Sport GT / 1989 Indy SP / 1989 Indy Trail / 1989 Indy Trail SuperTrak
1989 Long Track Reverse
1989 Sprint ES
1989 Star / 1989 Star Trak

1990 500 / 1990 500 Classic / 1990 500 SKS / 1990 500 SP
1990 650 / 1990 650 SKS
1990 Indy 400 / 1990 Indy Sport / 1990 Indy Sport GT / 1990 Indy Trail
1990 Indy Trail Deluxe / 1990 Indy Trail SuperTrak
1990 Sprint ES
1990 Star / 1990 Star Trak
1990 WideTrack

1991 400
1991 500 / 1991 500 Classic / 1991 500 SKS / 1991 500 SP
1991 650 / 1991 650 RXL / 1991 650 RXL SKS
1991 Indy Lite / 1991 Indy Sport / 1991 Indy Sport GT
1991 Indy Trail / 1991 Indy Trail Deluxe
1991 Star Lite
1991 SuperTrak
1991 WideTrak

1992 440 / 1992 440 XCR
1992 500 / 1992 500 SKS EFI / 1992 500 SP EFI
1992 650
1992 Classic
1992 Indy Lite / 1992 Indy Lite Deluxe / 1992 Indy Lite GT
1992 RXL / 1992 RXL SKS
1992 Sport 440 / 1992 Sport GT
1992 Star Lite
1992 SuperTrak
1992 Trail / 1992 Trail Deluxe
1992 WideTrak

1993 440 / 1993 440 SKS / 1993 440 XCR
1993 Indy Lite / 1993 Indy Lite GT / 1993 Indy Lite Deluxe
1993 Indy StarLite / 1993 Indy StarLite GT
1993 RXL / 1993 RXL SKS
1993 Sport 440
1993 Storm / 1993 Storm SKS
1993 Trail / 1993 Trail Deluxe
1993 XLT / 1993 XLT SKS / 1993 XLT SP

1994 440 Indy / 1994 440 Indy SKS
1994 440 XCR / 1994 440 XCR SP
1994 500 EFI / 1994 500 EFI SKS
1994 600 XCR
1994 Classic / 1994 Classic Touring
1994 Indy Lite / 1994 Indy Lite Deluxe / 1994 Indy Lite GT
1994 RXL / 1994 RXL Touring
1994 Sport / 1994 Sport SKS
1994 Star Lite / 1994 Star Lite GT
1994 Storm / 1994 Storm SKS
1994 Super Sport
1994 Trail / 1994 Trail Deluxe
1994 WideTrak GT / 1994 WideTrak LX
1994 XLT / 1994 XLT SKS / 1994 XLT SP / 1994 XLT Special XTRA

1995 440 Indy / 1995 440 Indy SKS / 1995 440 XCR
1995 500 / 1995 500 EFI / 1995 500 EFI PT / 1995 500 EFI SKS
1995 600 XCR
1995 Classic
1995 Indy Lite / 1995 Indy Lite Deluxe / 1995 Indy Lite GT
1995 RXL / 1995 RXL Touring
1995 Sport / 1995 Sport Touring
1995 StarLite
1995 Storm / 1995 Storm PT / 1995 Storm SKS
1995 Super Sport
1995 Trail / 1995 Trail Deluxe
1995 WideTrak GT / 1995 WideTrak LX
1995 XLT / 1995 XLT PT / 1995 XLT SKS / 1995 XLT SP / 1995 XLT Touring

1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1989, 1990, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, snowmobile master repair manual volume II, volume 2, track, removal, crank, carboretor, switches, rebuild, side, electronic, instruction, tork, swinger, brake, fluid, cylinder, idle, rectifier, forks, fender, overhaul, linkage, guides, fix, four, specifications, psi, shaft, workshop, cooler, slow jet, starter, pads, cables, pgm-fi, rod, rotors, specs, adjust, troubleshoot, diagram, kickstart, flywheel, throttle cable, coolant replace, carburetor, rear, width, remove, tires, struts, tire, switch, size, ski, carb, diy, connecting rod, plastics, length, information, drive train, parts, bars, clutch, problems, operation, problem, boots, carburettor, motor, schematic, body, front, regulator, axle, panels, displacement, fuel, seat, skis, plug, downloadable, trees, fix, main jet, troubleshooting, cams, charge, torque specs, tank, over, triple, muffler, speed, drive, efi, magneto, trouble, battery, spring, online, intake, light, shop, camshaft, viscosity, valve clearance, hydraulic, fuel injection, gearshift, lights, installation, piston, plate, coolant change, schedule, data, wheel, jug, gas, charging, exhaust, mixture screw, switchs, crankshaft, head, cam, handle, frame, valves, bore, electric, starting, error code, conrod, oversize, cover, tree, suspension, error codes, swingarm, guide, pump, reference, coil, ignition, kicker, instructions, compression ratio, which engine oil, transmission, lubrication, start, fuel pump, strut, system, bar, chart, fuse, rotor, stroke, boot, air, illustration, pilot jet, kick, line, stator, radiator, weight, brakes, plastic, install, clutch, primary reduction gear, oversized, fenders, performance, no spark, bogey

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1 comment:

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